Wednesday, March 26, 2008

1 year stats for the Ruthster!

Wt-21.11lbs (55%)
Ht-28 7/8" (45%)
HEAD SIZE?-47cm (92%!!!!) You can tell she's my daughter-we women with the large noggins.

She is still saying "cat", sort of
"mama", "dada"
"Ssss" for Sylvie/Sister
"whassat"-what's that?
maybe "side" for outside

She boogies like there's no tommorrow. She giggles. She stands alone for a few seconds. She cruises. (the furniture, not the bars)

She likes to comfort Sylvie's baby doll that makes crying sounds. Then she eats its head. (Obviously from Andrew's side of the family)

Overall, a perfect little lady-just like big sister was.

We love her!

1 comment:

lightbulb oven said...

d that you're still into child #2, because, didn't her warranty expire?