Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sad Clown

Monkey Doodles has hives! They are awful! Took her to the dr-she said probably related to a virus (since she has been sick the last few days).
Doodles doesn't seem bothered by them-but she looks like she lost a fight. Of course I took pictures! But, alas, they didn't really turn out.
I am supposed to be getting ready for class tommorow, so...


My Band's name is The Dog Poop Guzzlers! What's yours? Find Out Here

(thanks to sayra for the link)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Lucy, you got sum explainin' to du

What did the world do before didgital cameras?

Friday, February 17, 2006

picture happy

Just wanted to show her cute outfit. Does this officially make me a loser?

So Friggin' cute.


Okay-so we braved our local playgroup again (its through our neighborhood association). The weather was too gorgous-like 80 degrees! So we went to the weekly playtime at the park. It was ok, I guess. All the kids are really older than Sylvie, but she still had fun in the sand, etc. The group has a core of mamas that are kind of cliquey (sp?). I was pretty much ignored by them. But there were a couple of stragglers like me who were nice & cool. So maybe we will brave it again? Seems very highschooly. But I don't think the mamas even realize what they are doing. (or I hope not!) I am happy we found the other group with friendly mamas & kids Sylvie's age.
Here be some pix from that glorious day. We came home and played for an additional 2 hours outside. And anyone who knows us knows that that is amazing.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

dude, love the hair

Happy V-day

and Happy B-day KT!
some pix from our day that awj took:

"oh no you didn't..."

too much weeeeeeee

wow-I guess Sylvie had a little too much sugar yesterday. I always dilute her juice, etc BUT girl scout cookies were brought home by awj and I couldn't deprive my baby a few bites of mmmmmmm goodness.

She was up till, I think 10:30? 11:00? ON FIRE. Of course, awj and I think of it as entertainment whilst its happening. she IS very funny. But today has been rough. She dropped a heavy book on her big toe-it bled & bruised, etc. (it was that evil HM dictionary!!)

After a long nap, she seems in better spirits (as am I) so I think we may brave heading over to the g-parents so mama (me) can go to MY g-parents and do ma job.

props to Auntie Sara for always finding awesome tot t-shirts! I am gonna try and link to her blog, but everytime I have tried before, it has failed. Wish me luck!

YEA! me thinketh it workith!

Monday, February 13, 2006



A little Rosemary Baby action going on here, yes?

Now THATS what I'm talkin' about...

Met at B&N, again, for storytime, though we didn't actually hear the story-stayed in the cafe talking the whole time. Later the kiddos played with the trains. All the women in this group are awesome-very cool & nice. Also diverse-one is from Barcelona (ouch-thats gotta hurt, from Barcelone to Dallas), one is originally from Brazil, but moved here from N.O. post-Katrina, another used to work for spanish People mag in nyc (so cool!)
All three of the other mamas at the store today spoke fluent spanish-felt like Sylvie could sort of be in a quasi-immersion program, which is awesome!

Signed up for MDO at different spot-yea! Starting next September munchkin will have MDO t/th-I will have some time for myself (hopefully)

Thats it-bless all of you who actually read this. Blogs are awesome for just writing the daily dribble drabble.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


One of Sylvie's hiding places. That's the groovy kitchen Gram got her for Christmas.

shameless plug?

Yesterday Sylvie started dancing around her room after looking at one of her fave books: A Magical day with Matisse (a gifty from auntie Sara-her boss Julie is the author-the whole series is awesome). She was looking at the (famous) image of 5 nekkid figures dancing in a circle. I just thought that was cool.
is it just me, or is this kid a genius?

Hopefully we are gonna go see some art this early eve-Bath House is having an opening 6-8pm. I think I know a couple of people with work in the show.

Also Hopefully E & M will be coming over to play. And I mean that literally.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hair, A parent

ok-I guess I made a first-timer mistake today. Nothing too terrible-I cut sylvie's bangs. Well, maybe I cut her bangs and then continued to cut a little more on each side (the same length, mind you) and, uh-well, you can see in the before & after shots. She would not stop wiggling & crying!

Hair does grow, which is nice. Next time I promise I'll take her to a professional.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

what would Sigmund say?

Sylvie got to play with Travis (our cute neighbor who is the same age) yesterday-the two of them squealed & giggled & climbed on top of each other in the wagon, etc.
It warms the cockles of my heart to see Sylvie Lou play with other kids!

On another, less fragrant note:
ok parents out there-is it normal for kids to be afraid of their, er, poop? We had an interesting incident a little while ago, and now I am worried b/c I know just enough Freud.

If you are really intersted, I can fill you in on the details. Hee.

Let's add pictures!! No! not of the incident!
Do ya dig the rad slippers?

Monday, February 06, 2006

For the hardcore Sylvie fans

Sylvie's words as of 2/6/2006:

Pop pop (grandpa)
“what’s that?”
“tank uu” (thank you)
nana (banana)
“wawa” (water)
“jus” (juice)
“ba” (ball)
“li” (light)
“bow” (elbow)
mmo (mouth)
“ba” (bath)
“side” (outside)
“lalala” (lion)
coud (cloud)
“eee” (eat)
“chee” (cheese)
“lee” (leaf)
“wa” (wall)
“fssshh” (fish)
“co” (coat)
“offcoff” (washcloth)


“O””I”-early on
“M”, “N”-21 months
“F”, “S”-21 months

another day, another latte

Just got back from our first official playdate with a group I found via the internet. It was pretty great, and I am happy to have found a cool group of mamas/kiddies.

It was storytime at B&N, though Sylvie thought it was kindermusik, so was running around like crazy. All of the moms were incredibly nice. I may even venture out to a Mom's night out. Wow-my horizons are stretching.

I was nervous on the drive over, but kept thinking some self-helpy phrase I read many moons ago: as long as we continue to grow, there will be fear. Or something like that.

God bless the morning pages!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Howdy and welcome folks,

my first attempt at a blog. I figured I could use Sylvie as an excuse to post useless, I mean extremely relevant & important information.

we decided to take the munchkin to Dream Cafe this morning for brunch. It is touted as the best place in Dallas for kiddos-and it was pretty great. There's a cool house & monkey bars to play in/on, the wait staff were awesome, and the best part-there were several other kids running around. One lovely 2 1/2 year old came up to Sylvie and kept shouting "No!".

Her mom said she was in a negative phase. It was kinda unnerving. Then she sort of pushed Sylvie. Not hard, but still. Sylvie decided playtime was over.

So-so food, but mmmm good lattes & beer (a requirement).

Later we took a quasi-nature walk at white rock lake. Dada Andrew got to hike up mini hills with 25lbs of love on his back. (in the snugli backpack)

All in all, a good day.
It is official-we are suburban parents. Sigh.