Friday, September 29, 2006


doesn't she look weirdly like Paris Hilton here?

Frosting Love

Sylvie found this can of frosting in the pantry and proceeded to stare at it longingly. (just like mama)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Monday, September 25, 2006


Some daddy shots:

dude, get the Led out

So sad...

Sylvie woke up on Thursday with a fever& cold, so we didn't get to go to Austin and see Dennis & Jessica. I hope they had a great time-and maybe are thinking of moving there, mmmmm?

The weather is gorgous, so we have headed to the rocks/playground several times today-notice the lovely leaking nose.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

and please encourage andrew to post some stuff, too.

Friday, September 22, 2006

continuing the cross-dressing experience...

Daddy's shoes!

daddy's shirt

we think she looks a little like a Hogwarts pupil.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

family portrait

Here is Sylvie with a pix of her lil sib Fetus Jenkins (aka "Muffin"). You can just see him/her poking round the side.

I'd like to buy a drink, for all my friends...

Saturday we went to our annual block party. It was very humid, and our hair did neat things. Sylvie was shy at first, but as soon as we got some sugar in her, she decided the middle of the party was her "stage". Our little hammikins. The lil baby is Travis's lil sister Janelle. The lil boy in yellow is Max and his brother Jackson, interestingly enough, just joined the exact same cub scout coven? den? that Andrew once belonged to (way back when). That;s him in the groovy blue outfit with his mama.

Attack of the killer babies?

let's get freaky!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

pixie? ragamuffin? supermodel?

our little girl...,

is sort of growing up She started "school" aka MDO a few weeks ago, and is doing great. I still pick her up early, but soon she will stay the whole time- woowoo! Oh, and today when I went upstairs to brush my teeth, I asked if she wanted to come along (which she always does) and she replied "No-stay downstairs." WOW. To non-parents or parents of super active/independent kids, this may seem like nothing-but I was soooo happy-lil lady is gettin' some independence. You go girl.

and jewels & pink balloons...

Thanks to natalie & her gifty bag-sylvie digs her necklace & the balloon.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Party dress and bounce house and cake!

we went to Natalie's 6th b-day party (Happy b-day, girl!) There was a bounce house and kick-ass cake. Sylvie drank a little sprite, too, so she was ON FIRE. Here are some pix post-party in her dress (b/c of course we forgot to take pictures at the actual event!)

More paintings

The playground

The weather is much much cooler-thank goodness. One evening we all took Sylvie Lou to the playground: Andrew and I took turns going down the curvy slide to try and convince Sylvie to give it a try-no such luck, except once, with me. Papa J & Grandma were there, too, giving encouragement.
Oh, and I guess Sylvie felt the call of Mecca...