Friday, November 24, 2006


thanksgiving numero duo-the Fechtels

thanksgiving numero uno-The Jenkins!

Sylvie Lou has a profound love of play-doh.


A.J.'s birthday!

A.J. turned 3, and we got to eat yummy cake, jump in a bouncehouse & take home some great party booty (including the spiderman mask that is now a big favorite)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

MDO update

Sylvie didn't sleep at MDO, but she did giggle and make jokes (?) with the little boy resting next to her. Something about "Mommy no bottle", according to the teacher. Huh?

yes, more painting pictures

But we are artists, for chrissakes:
Plus. th epaint in the hair on emakes her look tough.

Halloween 2006

The only picture we got! Sylvie went as a waif-no, I mean a kitty cat.
don't you dig her kittycat flashlight?

smuggypants jenkins


that Sylvie is now actually utilizing the "play" room for, um, playing.
Plus she looks too cute in her dress up outfit!

our little quaker girl