Friday, August 25, 2006

New Hampshire or bust

Vedran turned 40-yea! They had a party with lots of kids and nice adults. We got to see Mo & Rachel, which was awesome. Sylvie loved Zoe-and Zoe was incredible with playing with her, etc. Sylvie played dress up! Like a real child!

We're back. part 2: Electric Boogaloo

SO... we went on our summer vacation to the Northeast. We flew into Boston and got to see Sara & Adam, who came in town to see us AND Adam's family. We all went to the Aquarium. Kelli, Vedran & Zoe drove down, too. That was all good, even if the aquarium was damn crowded AND I had to be near the bathroom the whole time. (too much info?) K, V & Z left early, and the rest of us ate lunch at a nice place called, er, Salt of the earth, but in French? Come on Sara-what was it? Sel de la terre? No pictures, I'm afraid BUT we do have a few from New Hampshire.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Just wack

Wack hats

Andrew taught her to always wear her pants on her head. yea.

We're Back!

Sort of. Andrew & I just got over a viscious stomach flu. Lord was it awful. I would have died without the help of Grandma Jenkins to come over and play with Sylvie while I passed out-so THANK YOU GRANDMA J!

Oh, on top of all that-we are pregnant. woowoo! Most everyone already knows, but I thought I'd make it official. So-the stomach flu was on top of my non-stop morning (all day) sickness. It's all worth it, right? Right??

PIX: Sylvie creating a play doh sculpture thingy.